-Life as a Corporate Executive | Entrepreneur- Introducing Tetsuzo (Ted) Matsumoto is a seasoned Japanese executive and entrepreneur. His background has mainly been within information, communication and media businesses in Japan, the US, and other...
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-Life as an AgroTech Startup CEO- Introducing Rassarin Chinnachodteeranun is the CEO of ListenField Inc. an Agricultural Intelligent farming service. Her background prior to establishing her company was as a researcher who applied field sensor...
-Life as a Surf Entrepreneur- Introducing California born and bred, Kassia Meador is a former pro-surfer and sponsored pro long-boarder. Not only that, she was one of the best in the world ranked second at one point by the WSL women’s longboard...
-Life as a Democracy Fellow | CEPA- Introducing Elina Beketova is an in-residence fellow with the Democracy Fellowship program at the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA). Her research there focuses on temporarily occupied territories of...
-Life as a Farmer in Japan- Introducing Thomas Kloepfer is the Owner and Operator of Pitchfork Farms located on Mukaishima in Onomichi city, Hiroshima Japan. He has used organic, natural, and regenerative farming techniques to revitalize a once...
-Life as an Awarded Teacher- Introducing Katy Whitfield is Toronto based award-winning History, French and Drama teacher. She has taught students of all pathways and has held curriculum leadership positions focussing on school-wide initiatives...
-Life as a Digital Nomad- Introducing Christian Davies in a traditional sense could be labelled as a Digital Consultant. His background centres on consulting on a wide range client needs ranging from assistance with social media ads, videos, SEO...
-Life as an Entrepreneur | Premium Campervans- Introducing: Jared Campion is a man on a mission. As the founder of Dream Drive, a Tokyo-based company that builds homes on wheels, or premium campervans, he’s passionate about providing travelers...
-Life as a Scientific Explorer | Educator- Introducing Dr. Ulyana Horodyskyj Peña is a scientist, part-time professor, mountaineer and explorer. However, as you’ll soon learn, those tags only reveal a fraction of who she is and what she does...
-Life as RAINN WILSON: A Spiritual Actor- Introducing Rainn Wilson is an American actor, writer, director, producer and you could even throw in successful entrepreneur. Arguably he may be best known for his role as Dwight Schrute on the American...