Discover a youth career program like no other.

My Journey of Exploration – Careers Program
A comprehensive resource designed by top educators and career specialists.
Until now, youth career learnings have largely been supported by the presenting of trends, data and jobs in a factual manner.
What has always been missing is a way to bring the messaging and content to life.
That is until now.

Empower & inspire students
- Guided & independent learning options
Enhance career conversations
- A new tool for guidance counsellors
Digital learning at its best
- Student favored learning approaches
Turn key lessons & resources
- Teacher friendly from start to finish

Dynamic Career Learning
- Real World Insights – Bring professionals into learning settings like never before
- Career Journaling – Guided digital learnings and activities that encourage student career thought, reflection and planning
- Career Clarity – AI infused learning activities and plans to help students uncover career pathway options
- Student Desires Met – 21st century learning supported through curated podcast content and YouTube video clips
Allow for career exploration like never before
My Journey of Exploration – Careers Program
Discovery 1
Self discovery
Who Am I?
Students will get in touch with themselves in order to better prepare themselves for important career planning issues.
Discovery 2
Let’s Talk Passion
Students will study the topic of passion and the role it plays in establishing and leading a fulfilling career.
Discovery 3
Let’s Talk Pathways
Students will explore the concept of career pathways by hearing from and examining the pathways of accomplished professionals.
Discovery 4
finding meaning
Success and Reward
Students will explore specific factors that affect people as far as finding life and career fulfillment.
Discovery 5
Practical insight
Getting a Handle on a Career
Students will learn about four key steps they can take to fully evaluate career options and potential fits for themselves.
Discovery 6
alternative possibilities
What About Entrepreneurship?
Students will be introduced to the possibilities associated with a professional living from within the realm of entrepreneurship.
Discovery 7
Holistic viewpoints
How Will My Work Impact My Life?
Students will learn about the varied ways in which work and career choices can ultimately affect a person’s life.
Discovery 8
Unlocking achievement
Students will explore the topic of self-management and the role it plays in setting individuals up for professional success.

Discovery 9 – My Future
Guided activities will move students towards acting on past module learnings allowing them to confidently consider professional options moving forward.
Discovery 10 – Looking Ahead
Students will take definitive action and steps toward finding their professional purpose via an engaging AI based activity.
Curating endless career possibilities

Who we serve



| 1 Schools & Educators | 2 Youth Organizations | 3 Career Counsellors |
“Never before have such intimate opportunities to explore careers and all they represent existed in the form of a digital course.”
“Students and educators looking for practical, applicable, real-life career guidance will find this program to be suitable and responsive to their needs.
The focus on self-awareness and reflection distinguishes it from others. Each module offers interactive videos, podcasts and relatable activities for discussion and consideration, allowing classes to work at their own pace, be it self-directed, or within a group dynamic.
Highly recommended for anyone wanting a structured investigation into the decision-making process of career development in order to find meaning and purpose in how we manage our vocations.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
– Erika MacNeil
York Region District School Board
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the cost?
FREE! In launching our beta version of My Journey of Exploration – Careers Program, our goal is to learn how we can make this incredible resource even better! (Between us, we think it’s pretty darn solid as is!)
How is the course administered?
Quick and easy implementation is what we’re after during this beta launch! Therefore we’ve made it as simple as it gets! Digital copies of the My Journey of Exploration – Careers Program can be distributed by administrators via fully interactive and fillable PDFs.
This allows for the content to easily slot into existing content delivery platforms such as Google Classroom or other organizationally favoured options.
What additional resources are offered?
For school districts and or educators, a digital resource pack is provided. It includes teacher slide decks covering all modules in the course, a copiable student version of the My Journey of Exploration – Careers Program, turnkey lesson plans for each unit, as well as student learning objectives laid out for each module. To top it off, a preparatory course checklist is also there to ensure a smooth implementation!
How do the course versions differ between uses in classrooms, youth organizations or career guidance settings?
Fundamentally the course is the same. That said, the context of where the learning takes place defines certain activities. Classroom learning leverages the power of the group, while those in after school programs may work through the content more independently. Our career guidance version is meant to stimulate student counsellor discussion and interaction.
How long does the course take to complete?
The course was designed to take 12-15 hours, however pending students needs, abilities and or objectives it could be expanded or contracted.
Can modules be skipped?
The short answer is yes. However, for in class learning and after school programs, the course was designed to build on itself to ensure maximum career learning and knowledge retention. For guidance counsellors select modules could be administered based on a needs basis.
How do I get started?
Simply let us know more about you and your needs by reaching out via the contact form below! From there, we’ll look to get you resource equipped in no time!
What We Do
We are proud to have a track record of sourcing some of the most sought after professional insights out there. Our team is committed to presenting career inspiration, options and learning opportunities for young people the world over.
With a content library full of extensive expertise and unwavering dedication towards sharing it, we are keen to build lasting relationships with clients and partners.
Our Values
We fully believe in the career exploration journey and all that it represents as far as exposure to new ideas, possibilities and people.
Through the careful curation of content, activities and care, we deeply believe that the The My Journey of Exploration – Careers Program positions students that much closer to finding their own fulfillment and professional purpose.

Get Started Now!

Reach out
We’d love to speak and learn more about how we can meet your career program needs.
learn more

Ask away
Our belief is that to build lasting and true partnerships, honesty from the start is what counts.

Empower your students
Serve up career exploration and inspiration opportunities immediately!
“You can’t be what you can’t see.”
–Marian Wright Edelman

What Others Are Saying

“I really think his podcast serves an important need for emerging professionals to understand how different jobs really work.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“This library of stored interviews, growing by the week, is extraordinary in its breadth of covered careers and should be helpful to younger people especially contemplating a variety of careers.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“Doing this interview was an amazing opportunity to reflect on my career journey and also share my career experience and knowledge with others who may be curious about it for themselves.”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“I love that he highlights awesome people and careers. We need this infusion of awesomeness in our lives!”
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Let’s Connect
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.”
– Steve Jobs