Helping Youth with Career Decisions
If you haven’t noticed already, we are one hundred percent dedicated to serving up career learnings, inspiration and exploration opportunities to young people.
How do we do this?
Since the airing of the first LIFE AS A.. podcast episode in 2021, careful attention has been paid to uncovering intimate details and career minded insights from a curated lineup of exceptional guests from around the world.
These conversations are wide and varied based on the exploring of different professions and professional worlds.

Yet each conversation shares one commonality. They all offer a pathway to real life learnings and looks at what a career or business could truly be all about.
We bring career learning to life
With hundreds of hours of content available on demand via podcast episodes and video highlights on Youtube, LIFE AS A.. has evolved into an ever-growing go to source of career exploration opportunity.
Not only that, our latest offering the My Journey of Exploration – Careers Program is a multifaceted course designed by top educators and career experts.
Learnings are driven from content and insight as gleaned from the rich career conversations, host Christopher Schoenwald uncovers from the weekly podcast.
My Journey of Exploration – Careers Program

Dynamic Career Learning
- Real World Insights – Bring professionals into learning settings like never before
- Career Journaling – Guided digital learnings and activities that encourage student career thought, reflection and planning
- Career Clarity – AI infused learning activities and plans to help students uncover career pathway options
- Student Desires Met – 21st century learning supported through curated podcast content and YouTube video clips
Who we serve



| 1 Schools & Educators | 2 Youth Organizations | 3 Career Counsellors |

Core Belief:
Bringing it all together, LIFE AS A.. stands firmly behind the ideal that there is nothing more important to an initial career search than exposure to new ideas and possibilities.
“People will never be what they can’t see.”

About the Host
Christopher Schoenwald is the host and founder of LIFE AS A..
Across his career, he has worked for government, private enterprise, and has started two ventures. His professional experiences have ranged from linguistic services, customs and immigration, marketing and advertising, corporate recruiting, and education.
Presently, Christopher abides in a small Japanese coastal town which conveniently hugs the glorious Japanese in-land sea.