Life as a Critical Care Paramedic - Jonathan Lee

EP 132: “Life as a Critical Care Paramedic”

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-Passionate about helping young people find their professional calling-

– Life as a Critical Care Paramedic –

Jonathan Lee is a Critical Care Paramedic who is a member of the Special Operations Team at Ornge in Toronto, Canada. 

His clinical experience includes 911, critical care, aeromedical and paediatric critical care transport. 

Practitioner & Educator

In addition to his clinical practice, he is also and experienced educator, with teaching experience involving a number of healthcare professions as well as his current role in the Paramedic Program at Georgian College.  

Respected Voice

Through his consulting company, he has developed and delivered KinderMedic, a program designed to improve confidence and competence in the emergency care of children. 

This is in line with his research interests, which are focused on the prehospital care of children, a topic which he has been invited to speak on internationally including across North America, Europe and Asia. 

Purpose Driven Work

His ongoing column, Front Line Pharm, can be found at  His previous professional activities included serving on the Emergency Pediatric Care committee of the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, as well as the Board of Directors of the Ontario Paramedic Association. 

He is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Critical Care from Cardiff University. 

Reasons to Listen

This will be a talk worth listening to for:

  • those interested in discovering what the work of a critical care paramedic is all about
  • those looking for unique insights on the profession
  • those who are looking for glimpses into the future of the profession

Listeners will come away with insights on:

  • expectations versus realities of being a Critical Care Paramedic
  • a day in the life of a Critical Care Paramedic
  • the seasonality of the work
  • Jonathan’s pathway to becoming a Critical Care Paramedic
  • hidden rewards and challenges of the work
  • a unique experience he had within the line of duty
  • how Jonathan manages his emotions as they relate to the stress and pressure of the job
  • how Jonathan derives a sense of satisfaction from the job
  • how tech impacts the work of a paramedic
  • thoughts on AI and how that may impact the role of being a paramedic
  • much more!

A Memorable Quote from the Episode:

“You were asking me what I do. I’m sort of the toolbox of the healthcare system. I am the Swiss Army knife and the duct tape.”

Jonathan Lee

Discover More

For those interested in learning more about Jonathan and his work, be sure to visit Ornge. You can also read up on his latest industry writings under Front Line Pharm, over at or check out his consulting company KinderMedic.

Lastly you can also find and follow Jonathan on the following platforms:

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