Life as an Elite Mental Performance Coach - Seth Pepper profile

EP 61: “Life as an Elite Mental Performance Coach”

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-Passionate about helping young people find their professional calling-

-Life as an Elite Mental Performance Coach-

“Mastery.” This word in the simplest sense straight from an Oxford dictionary means, “comprehensive knowledge or skill in a particular subject or activity.”

It is a concept that is, oh so desired by many, but achieved by so few.

Why is that?

Well, presumably it involves a high degree of innate ability (athletic, intellectual, interpersonal or unique combinations of the like that not all are fortunate enough to possess.

Other times though, there are those who ostensibly are evenly suited, as far as potential and skill goes and yet only one of the two.. or hundred.. or thousand will break through and achieve.

Again, why is that?

Well, our guest on this episode has a few opinions on this based around his own experiences with mastery and elite performance.


Seth Pepper is an Elite Mental Performance Coach. He consults and works with those who strive to get the most out of their own skills and abilities.

Professional Background

His clients range from athletes, coaches and teams within professional sports leagues including the PGA, LGPA, ATP Tour, MLB, NFL, NHL, NCAA and WTA. His methods and coaching have amounted to the capturing of championships and praise from many.

Further he also speaks to CEO’s, their teams and individuals within high performance professions and businesses.


The goal for Seth in every case is clear: “Accessing each person’s unlimited potential.”

History of Accomplishment

Seth himself comes from the world of high performance and accomplishment. He’s held sponsorship from the biggest names in sport including Nike, due in part to his accomplishments not limited to the following:

  • 2x National Champion swimmer
  • 23x All-American
  • Pan Pacific Games Gold Medalist
  • World University Games Gold Medalist
  • University Record Holder in 7 Events
  • Held title of 4th fastest swimmer in the world by the age of 20

Oh, and I might add he took up swimming when he was 14; well past the age most proven performers do so.

Mental + Physical

According to Seth himself, it was not only his physical skill which helped propel him to such heights, but also his mental approach to it all.

And it is this base experience incorporating his own athletic journey that he uses as a model and inspiration for his clients to pass on his own learnings and mental performance techniques.

Reasons to Listen

This conversation taps into the world of unlocking potential and finding accomplishment. Through Seth’s own story and views, listeners will come away with an enlightening view on this fascinating line of work.

This will be a talk worth listening to for:

  • those interested to learn more about being a mental performance coach as far as mindsets and approaches
  • those looking to pick up tips and ways of thought to control their own emotions
  • those looking for a hefty dose of inspiration as far as considering the unlocking of their own potential

Listeners will come away with insights on:

  • The type of mindset needed to be an elite mental performance coach 
  • The essence of what an elite mental performance coach does as noted by Seth
  • What it takes to be a great mental performance coach
  • Seth’s own story of accomplishment and how he transitioned into the world of elite mental performance coaching
  • How Seth applied learnings on the human mind at a young age to improve his own performance
  • Specific stories on how he has helped elite athletes and business professionals achieve massive success
  • The value of understanding one’s own relationship with both failure and success when considering achievement
  • How important it can be in one’s career development to recognize one’s own strengths and then lean into them further
  • An inspirational look at what it took to not only chase one’s own dream but transition to help others do the same 
  • The recognition of one’s own emotions and understanding them for what they are when attacking success 
  • Mind training techniques and philosophical approaches to helping others succeed 
  • Many inspirational stories 
  • The role of tech as far as improving performance moving forward 
  • The move towards recognizing mental health and mental performance being tied together
  • Much more!

Perhaps like no other LIFE AS A.. episode to this point, listeners will see the true and undeniable intertwining of life, living and career.

A Memorable Quote from the Episode:

“I became fascinated with the subconscious mind. As I like to say, the subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between possible and impossible. We’re the ones that create the filter.”

-Seth Pepper

Check out the Video Conversation:

For those who desire to view the full video conversation of this discussion, you can do so via Youtube.

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Words of Wisdom:

Hear from Seth as he provides advice to those interested in the profession of an elite mental performance coach.

Discover More

For those interested in learning more about Seth and his work, you can check him out via his site or find him on the following social platforms:

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