-Life as a Physical Therapist | NFL Injury Analyst- To say that the world of healthcare and health services are constantly to evolving would probably be considered by many in the know to be somewhat of an understatement. Ailments as far as the...
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-Life as an Elite Mental Performance Coach- “Mastery.” This word in the simplest sense straight from an Oxford dictionary means, “comprehensive knowledge or skill in a particular subject or activity.” It is a concept that is, oh so desired by many...
-Life as a Chemist | Educator |Entrepreneur- There are a few school subjects in which the mere utterance of them can invoke a myriad of emotions—often negative. Let’s try! Let me list off a few and take notice of your own reaction. Ready? Here...
-Life as an Entrepreneur: Tour Company- Entrepreneurship in its truest sense is ultimately about the recognition of opportunity. Every and all businesses, successful or otherwise, begin with the identification of a perceived gap and then a derived...
-Life as a Green Entrepreneur- As we plough ahead and through the 21st century, it is hard not to recognize all of the change taking place around us. You could consider social, economic and even cultural transformations occurring. However, the most...
-Life as a Chief Scientific Officer- The development and leveraging of technology surely must be one of the most defining elements of the twenty first century.The amount of data we are able to collect on life and living is nearly infinite. We as...
Photo Credit (top): Ingrid Valou -Life as the Vancouver Film Commissioner- Cities which flourish often owe much of their success to a careful balance amongst progressive leadership, policy and execution. Not to be forgotten however, is a careful...
-Life as an EdTech Entrepreneur | Investor- When you deeply consider the world we as people live and operate within, there is probably one word that best captures it all: CHANGE Humans have this fascinating knack for evolving and adapting ourselves...
-Life as an Alternative Education Provider- It goes without saying our future is invariably tied into our youth. The values, knowledge and skills they pick up and develop along the way end up setting the course for future generations. Another truism...
Photo Credits: WNYC Studios, Netflix: Connected -Life as a Co-Host of WNYC Studios RADIOLAB- The world around us offers up so much in the way of wonder and intrigue. Ponder the world of natural science or even the complexity of our own species and...