Life as a Creative Director | Brand Activist - Richard Grehan filming

EP 32: “Life as a Creative Director | Brand Activist”

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-Passionate about helping young people find their professional calling-

-Life as a Creative Director | Brand Activist

There haven’t been too many buzzier words as of late within the sphere of environmental conservation and protection than say, “sustainability.” For good reason of course.

The challenges we all face as humans from our frightful mismanagement of the environment have never been greater.

We need not look any further than the rising number of ferocious natural disasters which have been wreaking havoc in nearly every corner of the planet as of late. Such calamities have been experienced without discrimination, with nations both wealthy and poor feeling this wrath.

The reasons are complex and sometimes strangely controversial to some. However, what’s clear to most is that our way of life and living has brought this on. We are slowly poisoning ourselves and future generations existence at the cost of living in the now.

It is true, many of us feel this rage and may have even begun to take steps to consider new approaches to things such as consumerism.

However, I dare say, not too many people have gone to the lengths of our guest today, who has built an entire life and career around a sustainably minded ethos.


Richard Grehan is first and foremost a humanitarian. Through this prism he runs a Tokyo based a hybrid branding/production company called imageMILL. Upon founding in 2012, it became Japan’s first ethical and sustainable creative agency.

As an award-winning creative director working in advertising for over 20 years spanning the globe from London to Johannesburg and now Tokyo, he provides services for some of the biggest and smallest brands in the world.

Global Works

His projects have taken him everywhere: from northern Japan, to Mexico to the far reaches of Antarctica following polar explorers. The common thread of it all however remains the same; telling stories that inspire positive change and sustainable minded living.

Brand Activism

Richard creates stories for organisations and calls what he does “Brand Activism”.

In essence, his own dedicated work and passionate beliefs centred on promoting non-violence and preventing abuse; human, animal and environmental have allowed him to develop genuine relationships with companies. Resultantly, brands have entrusted Richard with crafting these visions for their own initiatives.


Whether his messages of sustainability and peace have been heard through speech, such as his TEDx talk on that matter, or even through his globally recognized and awarded documentary ZAN, his ideas are being heard and recognized.

Reasons to Listen

Plugging into the mindset of someone who has devoted so much of his personal and professional life to just causes, whether they be environmental or humanitarian is a rare opportunity.

Speaking with someone with such devotion and commitment to these kinds of ideals undoubtedly allows for higher learning opportunities to flourish.

This is exactly what you can expect in this wide ranging talk that touches on concepts such as branded journalism, regenerative minded companies that are truly focussed on net positive impacts.

Furthermore, hear about some of the first hand climate change observations Rick has witnessed while filming polar project adventures in the arctic to the depths of the Great Barrier Reef.

Our conversation also meanders into hopeful discourse concerning both Millennials and Gen Z as far as their views, actions and attitudes toward climate crisis action.

Listen in for all this and more!

A Memorable Quote from the Episode:

“Sustainability is dead. Long live regeneration. I think that’s the next step. It’s all about net positive impact while doing business and making products.”

Rick Grehan

Check out the Video Conversation:

For those who desire to view the full video conversation of this discussion, you can do so via Youtube.

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Words of Wisdom:

Hear from Richard as he shares advice to those looking to get involved in sustainably minded enterprise and movements.

QUICK Unabashed Request: ➡️ Help the program out! Head on over to YouTube and hit the subscribe button! The show needs some love! ❤️

Discover More

For those interested in learning more about Richard and his work, you can find and connect with him through his company website imageMILL. You can also follow him here:

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