Japan Focussed Sustainability Expert - JJ Walsh - Miyajima Hiroshima

EP 25: “Life as a Japan Focussed Sustainability Expert and Talk Show Host”

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-Passionate about helping young people find their professional calling-

-Life as a Japan Focussed Sustainability Expert and Talk Show host

There are literally no days that go by without coming across some sort of news item or reference to environmental concern or issue.

For good reason of course. What we have done to ourselves by way of our treatment of our planet and living space in a relatively short amount of time has been utterly shocking.

There are reasons why environmental alarm bells are blaring. Statistics, global studies from widely respected scientists and think tanks clearly indicate that our current trajectory and way of life is NOT sustainable.

By all accounts we are in environmental crisis mode.

This is not to say that there is no hope. In fact, a quick Google search under the search parameters “Environmental Crisis” generates 3.2 billion results.

We are aware. Now it’s time for action. On today’s show, I have a guest who has made it her mission to help amplify this cause as far as furthering discussion on sustainability and inspiring action on that very matter.

Japan Focussed Sustainability Expert - JJ Walsh - InBound Ambassador


Joy Jarman-Walsh or JJ as she has become to be known is a Japan Focussed Sustainability Expert and Talk Show Host of the program, Seek Sustainable Japan.

Joy is a long-time resident of Hiroshima Japan, who grew up in Hawaii. A graduate of Pitzer College in California, the University of Birmingham, UK and Arizona State University, she holds a BA in Psychology, MA in Applied Linguistics and a MA in Sustainable Tourism.

Skills & Background

She co-founded the website GetHiroshima in 2000 and taught marketing, travel, business, gender communication studies to university students for 21 years. In 2019, she launched InboundAmbassador – a consulting and travel guide training business.

In 2020, during the Covid pandemic, Joy launched her own talk show, Seek Sustainable Japan series to connect with entrepreneurs, writers, artists, innovators and experts across Japan doing interesting and inspiring projects.

Most weekends you will find Joy organizing a river or beach cleanup, livestreaming at an off-the-beaten path location, or seeking out great coffee and Japanese sweets.

Reasons to Listen

Joy is a treasure trove of sorts when it comes to Japan related sustainability issues. Through her own program, she has come across insightful guests from not only Japan but all reaches of the planet. The common thread that binds both Joy and her guests is this deep seated passion towards exposing ideas and topics that people should be aware of.

Not only that Joy blends her natural enthusiasm and vigour for the topic matter in such a way that it’s nearly impossible to not come away both inspired and better learned after listening to her speak.

On this episode, Joy shares many idea and stories relating to sustainability minded initiatives that will may just inspire you too to consider what you can do moving forward!

A Memorable Quote from the Episode:

“In listening to my show, I really hope that people feel a spark or they feel inspired NOT to give up. It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed about sustainability. However, don’t give up. Let’s all do what we can. There are some ideas out there that are high quality and offer comfortable options for your life.”

Joy Walsh

Check out the Video Conversation:

For those who desire to view the full video conversation of this discussion, you can do so via Youtube.

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Words of Wisdom:

Hear from Joy as she shares advice to those looking to get more involved in hosting their own program.

QUICK Unabashed Request: ➡️ Help the program out! Head on over to YouTube and hit the subscribe button! The show needs some love! ❤️

Discover More

For those interested in learning more about Joy and her work, you can find and connect with her through her website or through the following social platforms:

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