-Life as a Creative Director | Brand Activist– There haven’t been too many buzzier words as of late within the sphere of environmental conservation and protection than say, “sustainability.” For good reason of course. The challenges we all...
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-Life as a Hawaiian Surfboard Artisan & Shaper– To some surfing is transcends the actual act of doing it. It embodies far more than dropping into waves and gliding along them. No, surfing encapsulates far more than that. Take the culture...
-Life as a Climate Crisis Minded Venture Capitalist– Climate crisis. What does it mean? I would venture to guess that even a mere school age child would be able to answer that question admirably at this point. If you happen to agree with that...
-Life as a Climate Crisis Expert and Former UN Environment Programme Director– Our house is burning. This fact is becoming harder and harder to ignore or push aside. Look no further than the increasing frequency of natural disasters that are...
-Life as a NFL Sports Features Writer and Author– Two hundred and eighty characters. Fifteen seconds. One minute. Likes. Emojis. Fiery takes. Does this mean anything to you? Well, if you have been breathing these past ten years or so, it’s...
-Life as a Japan based Author– There’s a quote from an acclaimed author that has always stuck with me when considering a life lived abroad. “I can’t think of anything that excites a greater sense of childlike wonder than to be in a country...
-Life as the Owner of a Crowdfunded Island in Paradise– I would venture to say there are a handful of idyllic romanticisms people have the world over. They include things like owning vineyards, sports franchises, retiring at forty and so on...
-Life as a Japan Focussed Sustainability Expert and Talk Show host– There are literally no days that go by without coming across some sort of news item or reference to environmental concern or issue. For good reason of course. What we have...
-Life as a Corporate General Counsel and Executive Officer– When considering global enterprise and what specific corporations do, it is easy to get fixated on the basic service or product they provide. Nike makes shoes. Amazon operates an...
-Life as a Head of Customer Success in a Climate Tech Startup– There are several defining elements of living within the twenty first century. You could say technology and all that it has done and offers, as far as impacting our lives in the...