Life as a Human Risk Analyst - Shelby Dacko feature pic

EP 106: “Life as a Human Risk Analyst”

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-Passionate about helping young people find their professional calling-


Social Engineer LLC.
-Orlando, Florida-

-Life as a Human Risk Analyst-

Shelby Dacko is a Human Risk Analyst with Social‐Engineer, LLC, an information security company that focuses on helping clients to strengthen their human firewall through Phishing, Vishing, SMiShing, and Security Assessments.

Pathway to Social Engineering

Before joining the cybersecurity field, Shelby was focused on obtaining her certification for interpreting American Sign Language. Her interest in communication and language led her to the Foundational Application of Social Engineering (FASE) class.

After attending, she made it her goal to co-teach this class with a Social Engineering pioneer in Christopher Hadnagy, which she now does.

Skill and Accomplishment

Shelby’s specialties include vishing, OSINT (open source intelligence) work, educational material production, and public speaking. Notably, she has made over 20,000 vishing calls in her career. She holds a Certified Ethical Social Engineer (CESE) certification and has spoken for Fortune 500 companies.

Dedication to a Worthy Cause

On her days off, Shelby enjoys volunteering for the Innocent Lives Foundation, an organization whose mission it is to identify anonymous child predators and assist law enforcement to help bring them to justice.

Reasons to Listen

This will be a talk worth listening to for:

  • those interested in knowing more about the field of social engineering
  • those curious about life as a human risk analyst
  • those who are looking for tips and insights on further exploring this career opportunity for themselves

Listeners will come away with insights on:

  • what it takes to become a human risk analyst
  • what a human risk analyst actually does from a roles and responsibilities perspective
  • an overview of social engineering
  • an indepth look at life as a human risk analyst
  • how the concept of gamification enters into the workflow of a human risk analyst
  • Shelby’s own pathway to becoming a human risk analyst
  • insights on the 20,000 vishing calls she has made across her career
  • why a job within the social engineering space is one that has solid prospects moving forward
  • information on the certification process of becoming a social engineer
  • some of the inherent challenges and rewards of this work
  • why she really enjoys the opportunity to engage with large companies and speak with them on the topic of social engineering
  • what it’s been like working as a woman in a male dominated industry
  • what kind of impact this work has on Shelby from a life and living standpoint
  • an entertaining story which speaks to the sometimes random moments and experiences associated with the work
  • how the work continues to evolve to counter threats caused by advancement of tech
  • much more!

A Memorable Quote from the Episode:

On what keeps her motivated in her work:

“I think it’s just knowing that people are going to be better off for having gone through this testing that we do on a day to day basis.”

-Shelby Dacko

Check out the Video Conversation:

For those who desire to view video highlights of the conversation, you can do so via Youtube.

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Discover More

For those interested in learning more about Shelby and her work, be sure to check out her company Social Engineer LLC or you can find her on the following platforms:

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